Life… Mine or Theirs

Sometimes being a parent is fun. Sometimes it’s a struggle. It is always rewarding, even if it doesn’t feel like it. And sometimes, it sucks the life out of you. I love my kids so much. I do so much for them, and if I were to change anything, it would be to do more for them. The thing is, I can only do so much. So if I do more for them, it means I do less for me. I keep telling myself that there will be time latter to do all those things that I want to do. Just wait until the kids are a bit older and then I can work on that show, or go to that event and meet that person, or learn how to fly a helicopter (really, I think it’s the next thing on my “want to learn how to do” list). But I just can’t help the feeling of missing out on something. This weekend, there is an event going on in Vancouver that I would love to go to. Here is the nerd in me coming out big time. I love cosplay. At the Vancouver Fan Expo there are classes on how to make armour, how to do cosplay on a budget, and many more. Also, you get to see all the fantastic costumes. You also get to go in costume, and no one thinks you are strange. They actually think you are cool! That’s amazing. There are also three people who are going to be there who I would like to meet: William Shatner, Carrie Fisher, and Brent Spiner. However, my little baby girl is turning one year old. So I have planed a birthday party for her on the one day that all these people are going to be in Vancouver. So I can’t go. I could cancel the party and take her with me and celebrate her birthday at the Fan Expo. But then I would have to let other people down who are really looking forward to this Teddy Bear Picnic. And really, would I be able to live with myself if I didn’t have a party for my precious little bundle? I don’t know. Maybe in a few years I’ll know. But not now. And she won’t remember it. She really doesn’t care right now. All she cares about is that mommy and daddy love her. So, is giving up your life worth it? I know it is. It’s just, when you are in the moment, it feels like you are dying so your children can live.

Anyway, I have a question for William Shatner, Carrie Fisher and Brent Spiner. What, in your life, have you given up for others who are important to you? And was it worth it?

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