About Me

Who Am I?

I never really know what to tell people when they say, “So tell me a bit about you.” I’m left with questions like, “What do you want to know? Things like I can put both of my feet behind my head, or things like I graduated University with a Major in Drama and a minor in Mathematics?”

“Or do you want to know more of the family things, like I’m married and have three kids?” I just had my third. A little girl. Now, for the first time in my life, the number of girls in the house out number the boys.

Usually when people see me with a new baby they ask if it’s my brother or sister. When I tell them the baby is mine I get a lot of, “Your too young to have kids!” The look of their faces when I tell them this is my third child is fantastic. I know they think I’m only 17, or around there. My next response is usually something like, “I’m older then you think I am. I’m just a very small person.”

So, in summery, I am a wife, a mother, a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator, a math tutor, a light designer, a photographer, and when I have a moment to spare, my retail job appreciates me doing a shift or two.

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